Home>Automotive>News and Blog for Wednesday, April 13th 2011

News and Blog for Wednesday, April 13th 2011

Whats up everyone!

So things have been going good, I have been busy and things have been progressing slowly on all fronts, that may not be ideal for me as I like things done “now” but at least its forward progress. I have been working on various shop projects and putting together a plan that will keep me going and the bills paid and new tools rolling in.

With the shop I realize something major, the fact that I really cannot depend on a customer base coming in the door to keep my doors open. Anyone in this economy that has that thought process in starting a business isn’t going to get too far, or if they do they are going to have one hell of a hair pulling experience along the way. To solve this issue I have decided to flip cars the majority of the time, only taking maintenance and performance work when someone approaches me with the cash. It’s seemingly working well so far, but I haven’t even flipped the first car completely yet so yeah, we’ll see how that goes.

My office is setup, that’s way cool, here is a not so recent picture, showing stuff starting to pile on my desk:

I actually got it cleaned up quite nicely after this, I have been doing some projects at the shop but honestly since there is no internet there I have not been spending the amount of time there that I really want to. Actually with the way gas prices are hurting right now I am also locating a futon so I can actually crash at the shop some nights so I don’t have to “drive to work” the next day. I’m thinking that will save me a bunch of money.

The showroom isn’t really setup at all either, I have a desk for the showroom but its still at home I haven’t brought it up yet (waiting for internet.) I am also planning on pickling up some display cases once a couple of cars are flipped.

I haven’t had much time to work on the Corrado either, but I have been driving it regularly! I still don’t have tags on it, but it gets better mileage than the van, about 25mpg versus 20 out of the van. It has been happy being indoors, and its nice to be able to see it everyday and fire it up.

I cannot find the time for a big update, so here’s what i have and you’ll see more little ones as we go.

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