Home>Automotive>Blog Entry for Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Blog Entry for Thursday, February 11th, 2010

Not much in the way of progress. The garage is cleaned and the transmission and parts get dropped off tomorrow so everything can be sent out to be cryo treated.

I have made some progress on my digital instrument cluster. Now that the final batch of LED matrices has arrived I can begin basic construction of the display components. I have had some problems with my PIC programmer so I haven’t been able to test / program the electronics in the way that I wanted. It appears that I will need to invest in a real pic programmer for this project.

Here is my extra Vanagon cluster cut out and ready to be fiber glassed, there is going to be a smoked sheet of lexan between the face and the matrices but here is a first look at the 24×72 total size display (27 8×8 matrices):

Seeing these two pieces meet for the first time has been huge for me motivationally, already brainstorming for the fully color version of this I will be building for the Corrado!

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