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What the whole thing changed again!

I decided to change up the site again to something a little more user friendly. I wanted a CMS that is flexible, popular, and multi platform. So I found word-press. The software seems really secure, and nothing is without its give and take. There are a couple of things that I have needed to adjust to make this possible, but so be it. This software is worlds easier, and that in this case translates to efficiency, time saved to bring you the content that I have to share. I would MUCH rather spend more time on the content, versus dealing with site design. I should be able to jump into something that just works.

The same goes for others also, I like setup CMSs for others who want websites, because you can build it on your own, the way that you want to. This allows that, its as easy to use as Facebook, and the possibilities, themes, and plugins make it just as limit-less as Drupal, e107, and any other CMS out there.

One thing I would like to spend a great deal of time working on is porting the other project pages into the site. So over the next couple of months you will see that happen in a big way, along with the awesome new content that you’re always used to.


Enjoy the new site, it should work much better than those in the past.



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