I originally started this website and company in early 2009 to consolidate and stop posting my project threads on various forums, which has caused everything to be disorganized or lost. It is now all hosted from my private web server. This site is intended to be an educational and personal reference page for my business, projects and interests. Exploration will uncover hidden treasures as there’s a lot buried in the archives that’s not immediately apparent. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave one, no account is required. If any images are broken, please me know. Welcome to DoogieLabs!
DoogieLabs was created by me, Michael Rick, and has had several employees at times throughout the years, although currently I am the only one. It represents a research and development facility, as well as automotive performance, customization, and technology integration (such as computers and electronics). What started out as a hobby has allowed me to hone the skills of professionally taking almost any concept to creation. My artistic expression is the culmination of technology and automotive engineering. With the right balance of modern and time proven methods, I can achieve outcomes that jump curves.
Just a few snapshots from posts over the years..
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All the latest tidbits:
Debian / Ubuntu Linux Active Directory Authentication How-to
Gentoo Linux HPPA on HP 9000 RP3440 with PA8800 Notes
Zoneminder Linux / mdraid Optimizations
Debian 9 Stretch SSH logging to file with rsyslog
Installation notes for Debian 9 Stretch onto Dell Mini 1012
Getting PCRE to compile on Solaris 9 SPARC
Make lto-cm compile
E2900 / V1280 Enable GUI
Check out one of our latest videos!
This site is educational, this information is intended for use in bettering one’s understanding and collaboration for knowledge. Almost all images are clickable for their higher resolution counterparts. I am 100% self educated and hope the information here helps others educate themselves as well. DoogieLabs will not be held liable for personal injury or damage to property from mis-use of the content on this site. Please use common sense and be conscious of health and safety when doing ANY type of experiment, or fabrication. No account is required for comments, but malicious comments and spam will be with-held.