I decided to re post the old pictures from the Titan Missile Base. Now everyone can check it out for years to come. Pulled over from the old Area51 site. This facility was near DeerTrail Colorado. I will post a video up of this expedition in time, once I get a few other things done. Enjoy.

The main Doors themselves for the silos occupy the space of a two car garage. It sticks approximately 3 or 4 feet out of the ground. The Doors themselves are at least 6 feet or more thick precast rebar re-enforced concrete. They can be opened normally in approximately 40 seconds – minute, the doors can also be blown off completely during an emergency launch.

The main elevator shaft sits exactly between the two domes, the command center and power dome. and has two door covering the top of it as pictured below. This I imagine was how they got most of the equipment into the domes, which are just massive in size.