The very first time I set foot in Dubs Along the Rockies was in 2004. I was 17 at the time, and had owned my Corrado for a very short time. It was an interesting eye opener to the Volkswagen community, I met lots of great people and they are always willing to help. DATR is one of the largest shows in Colorado and always brings in some very nice VW’s even from out of town. In the past DATR had been held in parking lots but this year was very different and very special. We went to Pikes Peak International Raceway which was that farthest south I have ever had to drive to make it out there, but it was well worth it!
The Vanagon did well at the show and I took runner up in my class!
I was surprised that more Corrados tuned up for the Bug-In versus DATR, you guys better represent next year!
The turnout wasn’t as good as I was hoping, I really want to see this turn into a bigger show. I loved the setting and even though the day was hot it was still lots of fun. We were unsure of the music at times and caused us to take a mid afternoon nap. The autocross was a blast to watch and even the non VW attendees for the day brought some very nice cars.